My name is Sean Henry. Six years ago in March 2018, God brought me to my now home church, Christ Almighty Baptist Church (CABC) in Toronto. I didn’t know the Lord then, but God was already working to place the Rufiji people of Tanzania in my heart. During that month,...
Placed us on this journey
Hi my name is Wally and I’m humbled to share how God has put a plan in motion in our lives and placed us on this journey towards Missions in Tanzania. My wife Grace and I have been praying and planning for this mission trip over the past 5 years...
The Team for Summer ’24
Meet Wally & Grace Damian, their children, and Mr. Sean Henry. Summer of July 20th – August 10th, 2024, this team is bound for Tanzania, to join East Africa River Mission. Sean Henry, one of the team members, is no stranger to EastARM! In 2021, Sean was part of a...
The last thing I said…
The last thing I said to Graydon Baker when we left his safari camp in August 2018 was, “we’ll be back.” I said it with hope, but without any plans. Well, here we are two years later, planning to go back and fulfill those words. Last time we were there,...
Introducing ‘The Chatham 5’: Dale & Karen Elliott, Jim & Ginny Shields, and Alana Haines
East Africa River Mission, on behalf of its Board of Advisors, Partners, and Director are proud to announce the Rufiji Lighthouse Teachers for the upcoming 2020 season. Hailing from Chatham, ON, Canada, dubbed the ‘Chatham 5’, they are Dale & Karen Elliott, Jim & Ginny Shields, and Alana Haines. Between...
Ben & Raluca Cleary Final Update
Habari za leo to everyone! We are back! We wanted to give a final update of our time spent here in the Rufiji and at Baker & Sons Safari camp. Time here has been full of God’s work which has blessed us abundantly, and we are overjoyed to share these...
A Note from the Clearys
Habari to our friends and family from the other side of the world! We wanted to carve out some time to give you all an update on our first month here in Tanzania! When we arrived in Tanzania we were met with the first lesson of Africa. There is no...
Next stop: Tanzania
Hello to our friends & family, It has a been a crazy few weeks for us! With the summer season quickly approaching us it brings many new beginnings and marks the end of a season ( metaphorically and literally). Many have approached us to ask how we are feeling...
The Great “African Illusion”
Hello to our Friends & Family ! We want to begin this post by saying a big thank you once again to everyone who participated in our potluck. Thank you again to those who invested their time, their products, their delicious food, and their services. Thank you to those who...
A Cause Greater Than Ourselves
Hello Friends & Family ! This past month and a half has been very busy for the two of us. We have officially started our fundraising process and we have found that the journey of fundraising is both scary and exciting. You may be asking yourself , “how can fundraising...
This is Only The Beginning
Hello! We are so glad that you have found our blog post. As you may know Ben and I will be going to Tanzania this summer and we want to invite you to partake in our journey. Along with this journey there have already been many emotions. Firstly, we are...
Introducing Ben & Raluca Cleary, heading to Tanzania June 2019 to teach at The Rufiji Lighthouse
Follow Ben & Raluca’s progress through updates posted here @RufijiLighthouse blog. To Invest Financially, go to EastARM secure donation site
December 25th, 2017: The Official Opening of The Rufiji Lighthouse
Christmas Day 2017, The Rufiji Lighthouse was officially opened to the residents of MLOKA Village, within the Rufiji District, just outside the Great Selous Game Reserve. Built at Baker & Sons Safari Company, Tanzania, the opening was met with much celebration – dignitaries arrived to mark the occasion, including the...