Hi my name is Wally and I’m humbled to share how God has put a plan in motion in our lives and placed us on this journey towards Missions in Tanzania. My wife Grace and I have been praying and planning for this mission trip over the past 5 years alongside our 2 young children; our daughter Valerie who is 12 and our son Wesley who will be 11 in the summer. While seeking God’s direction on this mission, we witnessed Him close certain doors of opportunity in other parts of the world and open new ones that ultimately led us to the Baker family in Tanzania. Behind one of those doors was our brother in Christ, Mr. Sean. By God’s design I was led to a man who truly is a servant-leader for the Lord. After a shared long drive, some pizza and swapping of testimonies, it became clear God was revealing His plan to me through my brother. His divine intervention by instrumentally using His people to shape this plan over the past 5 years has solidified our confidence that God intended this Tanzanian visit with the East Africa River Mission for His purpose and His glory.
From July 20-August 10, our time in Tanzania will be spent in Mloka which is an isolated rural community located along the Rufiji River. The children in Tanzania speak Swahili and some English. Everyday they receive basic English language instruction in primary school and participate in athletics in the afternoon. My wife Grace, whose gift and specialty is teaching ESL, will be helping to instruct the children and collaborate with the local teachers of the village. Meanwhile, I look forward to helping to develop the soccer program while sharing what I’ve experienced over the last 25 years as a Youth Ministry Leader. As a returning friend to the Wadengareko people, Mr. Sean will guide us as he continues to impact the changes happening in the Rufiji community he gets to finally return to from his first visit 3 years ago. The Rufiji Lighthouse has been established to not only teach English to the community, but to support a variety of essential daily needs that we hope to assist while we are there.
Under the mission we will be serving the EastARM’s Rufiji Lighthouse students, staff, and community. We are blessed to be able to also visit Kipo, Kipugira and Ngorongo which are among the surrounding villages. As we teach and learn in these places where children are challenged by poverty and a lack of resources, we are most excited to bring them God’s hope and love. Through the Sunday School program we look forward to sharing the gospel and encouraging their spirits through His word and songs. Please join us on this mission as God leads my family to Tanzania to serve in whatever opportunity and capacity the Lord provides. Thank you for following our blog, praying alongside us and joining us on this journey. Glory to God alone as we trust in His will (Proverbs 16:9).