Hello! We are so glad that you have found our blog post.
As you may know Ben and I will be going to Tanzania this summer and we want to invite you to partake in our journey.
Along with this journey there have already been many emotions. Firstly, we are super excited to be able to experience a new, very different, environment, and lifestyle. Though we have done some travelling, neither of us have ever been to Africa. We are excited to meet the people of Mloka, to begin to build friendships, and of course to teach English! We do not know exactly what to expect but we are hopeful for God’s hand to be with us as we travel and stay in Tanzania. However, along with not knowing what to expect sometimes we find ourselves nervous, and a little bit anxious. Will God provide the funding? Will our spirits be ready? Will we be physically and mentally prepared for the challenges to come? Will God’s presence be evident in the struggles? Then we are quick to remember or are reminded by others that if it is God’s will ,He will be in control and His will, will ultimately be done regardless of what we may think or fear in the moment.
“ In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” Proverbs 16:19 (NIV)
In preparation for Tanzania we have been volunteering at an English as a second language school at Eastridge Evangelical Missionary Church in Stouffville. At first, both Ben and I felt nervous when thinking about teaching English but this experience at Eastridge has continued to give us the confidence and experience we need to teach when we go to Tanzania. The staff at Eastridge have been so welcoming, encouraging, and willing to share their resources and time. What a blessing! We have also been preparing our hearts and souls through meeting with mentors and our pastor, which has helped us learn more about the culture and people of Tanzania. We have found that throughout the process of seeking out mentors, we are continually met by people who have “coincidentally” been to Africa and have been able to take the time to share what they have learned on their journeys.
We would like to invite you to take part in our journey as we continue to raise awareness of the need for teachers in Mloka and as we continue to raise funds to be able to go and serve where there is a need.
To support us financially you may visit: EastARM.net/CLEARY